MOC meeting, 12 JAN 1982, Loren Haury
Scripps Marine Operations Committee
Scripps is committed to operating safe, capable and efficient oceanographic research vessels. The importance of, and commitment to, research vessel operations at Scripps is reflected in the significant advisory role played by ship users through the SIO Marine Operations Committee (MOC).
The MOC is a standing committee at Scripps that serves as an advisory board for the Scripps Ship Operations and Marine Technical Support (SOMTS) department.
The charge of the Committee is specified in Article X of the Scripps Staff Council By-Laws:
This committee recommends to the Director, SIO, policy concerning all facets of marine operations dealing with ships, platforms, Nimitz Marine Facility, and marine technical groups. Specific tasks can include, but are not limited to acquisition, utilization, upkeep and disposal of ships and ships’ equipment, ship scheduling, matters related to safety aboard SIO ships and the distribution of UC ship funds.
MOC members are appointed by the SIO Director to serve one-year terms. The committee meets regularly (on the second Tuesday of each month).
The Committee typically includes about 20 Scripps faculty, researchers, staff and students that are active users of research vessels. MOC also has one member each from UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz, who represent the interests of those campuses in oceanographic facilities that Scripps operates on behalf of the University of California.
MOC ex officio members include the SIO Associate Director, SOMTS Marine Superintendent, and SOMTS Marine Technical Manager.
At each meeting, the committee is briefed by SOMTS managers on the operating and technical activities aboard each SIO-operated vessel, and considers upcoming operations, scheduling, material modifactions and upgrades to ships, and any other issues that contribute to the ongoing improvement to SIO-operated research vessels.
The guidance and innovation provided by Scripps scientists via MOC has consistently improved the ability of Scripps vessels to support scientific activities.
2022/2023 - Director's Charge Letter
Matthew Dzieciuch (Chair), Kathy Barbeau, James Behrens, Jeff Bowman, Anela Choy, Ralf Goericke, Joel Hazard, William Hodgkiss, Shaun Johnston, Gabi Laske, Luc Lenain, Drew Lucas, Rob Pinkel, Kathleen Ritzman, Uwe Send, Gunnar Voet, Brian Woodward
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Hannah Delapp (Research Vessel Expeditionary Coordinator), Lee Ellett, (SIO Shipboard Technical Support), Joost van der Zwaag (SIO Marine Superintendent), Phoebe Lam (UC Santa Cruz), Christian McDonald (SIO Scientific Boating), Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center), David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara)
2021/2022 - Director's Charge Letter
Matthew Dzieciuch (Chair), Kathy Barbeau, James Behrens, Jeff Bowman, Anela Choy, Ralf Goericke, Joel Hazard, William Hodgkiss, Shaun Johnston, Mike Landry, Gabi Laske, Luc Lenain, Drew Lucas, Rob Pinkel, Kathleen Ritzman, David Sandwell, Uwe Send, Brian Woodward
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Hannah Delapp (Research Vessel Expeditionary Coordinator), Lee Ellett, (SIO Shipboard Technical Support), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Phoebe Lam (UC Santa Cruz), Christian McDonald (SIO Scientific Boating), Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center), David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara)
Students: Caroline Lowcher, Lucinda Quigley, Bethan Wynne-Cattanach
2020/2021 - Director's Charge Letter
Mark Zumberge (Chair), Matthew Alford, Kathy Barbeau, James Behrens, Jeff Bowman, Teri Chereskin, Matthew Dzieciuch, Ralf Goericke, Joel Hazard, William Hodgkiss, Mike Landry, Matthias Lankhorst, Gabi Laske, Luc Lenain, Drew Lucas, Rob Pinkel, Kathleen Ritzman, David Sandwell, Uwe Send, Janet Sprintall, Brian Woodward.
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Lee Ellett, (SIO Shipboard Technical Support), Phoebe Lam (UC Santa Cruz), David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), Christian McDonald (SIO Scientific Boating)
Consultant: Hannah Delapp (Research Vessel Expeditionary Coordinator), Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center)
Students: Julia Chavarry, Caroline Lowcher
2019/2020 - Director's Charge Letter
Mark Zumberge (Chair), Kathy Barbeau, James Behrens, Dave Chadwell, Teri Chereskin, Matthew Dzieciuch, Ralf Goericke, Joel Hazard, Michael Hedlin, Mike Landry, Matthias Lankhorst, Gabi Laske, Luc Lenain, Drew Lucas, Rob Pinkel, Kathleen Ritzman, David Sandwell, Uwe Send, Janet Sprintall, Lynne Talley
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Lee Ellett, (SIO Shipboard Technical Support), Phoebe Lam (UC Santa Cruz), David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), Christian McDonald (SIO Scientific Boating), Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center)
Consultant: Hannah Delapp (Research Vessel Expeditionary Coordinator)
Students: Noel Gutierrez Brizuela, Caroline Lowcher
2018/2019 - Director's Charge Letter
Mark Zumberge (Chair), Dave Chadwell, Teri Chereskin, Matthew Dzieciuch, Ralf Goericke, John Hildebrand, Shaun Johnston, Mike Landry, Matthias Lankhorst, Gabi Laske, Luc Lenain, Drew Lucas, Ken Melville, Rob Pinkel, Sarah Purkey, Kathleen Ritzman, Lynn Russell, David Sandwell, Uwe Send, Janet Sprintall, Eric Terrill
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Lee Ellett, (SIO Shipboard Technical Support), Phoebe Lam (UC Santa Cruz), David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), Christian McDonald (SIO Scientific Boating), Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center)
Student: Caroline Lowcher
2017/2018 - Director's Charge Letter
Janet Sprintall (Chair), Paterno Castillo, Matthew Dzieciuch, Lee Ellett, Anne Footer, John Hildebrand, Michael Landry, Gabi Laske, Jim Leichter, Luc Lenain, Ken Melville, Mark Ohman, John Orcutt, Robert Pinkel, Sarah Purkey, Kathleen Ritzman, David Sandwell, Uwe Send, Ana Sirovic, James Swift, Eric Terrill, Mark Zumberge
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Lee Ellett, (SIO Shipboard Technical Support), Phoebe Lam (UC Santa Cruz), David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), Christian McDonald (SIO Scientific Boating), Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center)
Student: Caroline Lowcher
2016/17 - Director's Charge Letter
Janet Sprintall (Chair), Pat Castillo, Matthew Dzieciuch, Anne Footer, John Hildebrand, Shaun Johnston, Michael Landry, Gabi Laske, Ken Melville, Mark Ohman, John Orcutt, Rob Pinkell, Kathleen Ritzman, David Sandwell, Uwe Send, Ana Sirovic, Jennifer Smith, James Swift, Eric Terrill, Mark Zumberge
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Lee Ellett, (SIO Shipboard Technical Support), Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz, retired), David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center), Kevin Walsh (HiSeasNet)
2015/16 - Director's Charge Letter
Gabi Laske (Chair), Doug Bartlett, Pat Castillo, Neal Driscoll, Matthew Dzieciuch, Anne Footer, Paul Jensen, Shaun Johnston, Michael Landry, John Orcutt, Rob Pinkell, Kathleen Ritzman, David Sandwell, Uwe Send, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), Ana Sirovic, Jennifer Smith, Janet Sprintall, James Swift, Eric Terrill?, David Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), Peter Worcester, Mark Zumberge?
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: Bill Shull, Liz Brenner, Karen Stocks (Geological Data Center)
Student: Emmanuel Garcia
Gabi Laske (Chair), L. Aliwuhare, D. Bartlett, P. Castillo, M. Dzieciuch, A. Footer, P. Jensen, T.M.S. Johnston, W. K. Melville, J. Orcutt, R. Pinkel, K. Ritzman, D. Sandwell, U. Send, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), A. Sirovic, J. Sprintall, J. Swift, E. Terrill, D. Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), M. Zumberge
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: W. Shull, E. Brenner, Karen Stocks
Gabi Laske (Chair), C. Chadwell, D. Checkley, H. Felbeck, A. Footer, P. Jensen, M. Landry, W. K. Melville, J. Orcutt, R. Pinkel, K. Ritzman, D. Sandwell, U. Send, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. Sprintall, J. Swift, E. Terrill, M. Tryon, D. Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), S. Wiggins, P. Worcester, M. Zumberge
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: R. Van Boxtel/W. Shull, E. Brenner, Karen Stocks (SDSC)
Student: J. Haag
2012/2013 - Committee Report (SIO password required)
Gabi Laske (Chair), C. Chadwell, D. Checkley, S. Constable, A. Footer, J. Hildebrand, P. Jensen, M. Landry, W. K. Melville, J. Orcutt, R. Pinkel, K. Ritzman, D. Sandwell, U. Send, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. Sprintall, J. Swift, E. Terrill, M. Tryon, D. Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), S. Wiggins, P. Worcester, M. Zumberge
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: R. Van Boxtel/W. Shull, E. Brenner
Student: J. Haag
2011/2012 - Committee Report (SIO password required)
Gabi Laske (Chair), D. Blackman, C. Chadwell, D. Checkley, J. Gee, K. Hardy, J. Hildebrand, P. Jensen, M. Landry, W. K. Melville, J. Orcutt, R. Pinkel, K. Ritzman, D. Sandwell, U. Send, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), Jerome Smith, E. Terrill, M. Tryon, D. Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), S. Wiggins, M. Zumberge
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Zoltan Kelety (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Student: J. Haag
Jim Swift (Chair), J. Babcock, D. Blackman, C. Chadwell, D. Checkley, S. Constable, H. Felbeck, A. Footer, J. Gee, R. Goericke, W. Hodgkiss, P. Jensen, M. Landry, G. Laske, J. Mackinnon, R. Pinkel, L. Regier, K. Ritzman, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), Jerome Smith, D. Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), S. Wiggins, M. Zumberge
Ex officio: B. Appelgate, Z. Kelety, E. Silver (UCSC), W. Sutherland, D. Valentine (UCSB)
Consultant: R. Van Boxtel/W. Shull, E. Brenner/R. Dufour
Student: R. Menon, O. Sun
Jim Swift (Chair), J. Babcock, C. Chadwell, D. Checkley, S. Constable, A. Footer, J. Gee, R. Goericke, W. Hodgkiss, P. Jensen, G. Laske, J. Mackinnon, R. Pinkel, L. Regier, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. Smith, D. Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), S. Wiggins, M. Zumberge
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: R. Van Boxtel/W. Shull, E. Brenner/R. Dufour
Student: L. Roach, R. Todd
2008/09 - Committee Report (SIO password required)
J. Gee (Chair), L. Aluwihare, J. Babcock, C. Chadwell, D. Checkley, S. Constable, H. Felbeck, A. Footer, R. Goericke, W. Hodgkiss, G. Laske, J. Mackinnon, R. Pinkel, L. Regier, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. Smith, J. Swift, D. Valentine (UC Santa Barbara), S. Wiggins
Ex officio: Bruce Appelgate (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: D. Bennett, R. Knox
Student: G. Chavez, R. Rykaczewski
2007/08 - Committee Report (SIO password required)
J. Gee (Chair), J. Babcock, C. Chadwell, D. Checkley, S. Constable, G. D’Spain, G. Deane, M. Dzieciuch, H. Felbeck, R. Goericke, M. Landry, G. Laske, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), J. Mackinnon, R. Pinkel, L. Regier, D. Rudnick, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. Smith, J. Swift
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: D. Bennett
Student: G. Chavez, R. Rykaczewski
D. Checkley (Chair), J. Babcock, C. D. Chadwell, S. Constable, G. Deane, M. Dzieciuch, H. Felbeck, J. Gee, R. Goericke, A. Koppers, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), J. Mackinnon, R. Pinkel, L. A. Regier, D. Rudnick, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J.A. Smith, J. H. Swift
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: D. Bennett
Student: R. Rykaczewski
D. Checkley (Chair), J. Babcock, C. D. Chadwell, S. Constable, G. Deane, M. Dzieciuch, H. Felbeck, J. Gee, R. Goericke, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), J. Mackinnon, R. Pinkel, L. A. Regier, D. Rudnick, A. Sauter, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. A. Smith, J. H. Swift
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: T. Collins
Student: E. Oleson, R. Rykaczewski
D. Checkley (Chair), L. Aluwihare, J. Babcock, C. D. Chadwell, S. Constable, N. Driscoll, M. Dzieciuch, H. Felbeck, J. Gee, C. Hollinshead, M. Landry, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), R. Pinkel, L. A. Regier, D. Rudnick, A. Sauter, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. A. Smith, J. Sprintall, J. H. Swift
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: T. Collins
Student: E. Oleson
R. Pinkel (Chair), L. Aluwihare, J. Babcock, C. D. Chadwell, D. Checkley, S. Constable, N. Driscoll, M. Dzieciuch, H. Felbeck, J. Gee, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), B. G. Mitchell, L. A. Regier, D. Rudnick, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. A. Smith, K. L. Smith, J. Sprintall, J. H. Swift, E. J. Terrill
Ex officio: T. S. Althouse, R. A. Knox, K. Macdonald (UCSB), E. Silver (UCSC), W. C. Sutherland
Consultant: T. Collins
Student: K. Key, K. Phillips
R. Pinkel (Chair), C. D. Chadwell, D. Checkley, S. Constable, N. W. Driscoll, M. Dzieciuch, H. Felbeck, J. Gee, J. M. Gieskes, C. B. Hollinshead, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), B. G. Mitchell, S. Mogk, L. A. Regier, D. Rudnick, A. W. Sauter, K. L. Smith, J. Sprintall, J. H. Swift, E. J. Terrill
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: T. Collins, G. G. Shor
Student: K. Key, C. Taylor
R. Pinkel (Chair), C. D. Chadwell, D. Checkley, C. P. DeMoustier, N.W. Driscoll, H. Felbeck, J. M. Gieskes, C. B. Hollinshead, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), B. G. Mitchell, S. Mogk, L. A. Regier, A. W. Sauter, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), K. L. Smith, F. N. Spiess, J. H. Swift, E. J. Terrill, P. F. Worcester
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: T. Collins, G. G. Shor
Student: K. Key, C. Taylor
R. Pinkel (Chair), C. D. Chadwell, C. P. DeMoustier, E. P. Dever, H. Felbeck, J. M. Gieskes, R. Goericke, C. B. Hollinshead, G. Kent, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), B. G. Mitchell, L. A. Regier, A. W. Sauter, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), K. L. Smith, F. N. Spiess, J. H. Swift, E. J. Terrill, P. F. Worcester
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: T. Collins, G. G. Shor
Student: C. Massell, C. Taylor
R. Pinkel (Chair), C. D. Chadwell, T. Chereskin, C. R. DeMoustier, H. Felbeck, J. M. Gieskes, R. Goericke, G. Kent, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), B. G. Mitchell, L. A. Regier, A. W. Sauter, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), K. L. Smith J. H. Swift, S. C. Webb, C. D. Winant
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: T. Collins, G. G. Shor
Student: C. Massell, C Taylor
K. L. Smith (Chair), C. D. Chadwell, T. Chereskin, G. L. D’Spain, C. R. DeMoustier, H. Felbeck, J. M. Gieskes, R. Goericke, G. Kent, Ken Macdonald (UCSB), B. G. Mitchell, R. Pinkel, L. A. Regier, A. W. Sauter, Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz), J. H. Swift, S. C. Webb, C. D. Winant
Ex officio: Bob Knox (SIO Associate Director), Tom Althouse (SIO Marine Superintendent), Woody Sutherland (SIO Shipboard Technical Support)
Consultant: T. Collins, G. G. Shor
Student: C. Massell, S. Rumsey
- R/V Sally Ride
R/V Roger Revelle
- Section 1: Welcome Aboard
- Section 2: Specifications
- Section 3: Vessel Layout Description
- Section 4: Ship's and Scientific Equipment Description
- Section 5: Technical Services and Special Equipment
- Section 6: Navigation and Communications Capability
- Section 7: Safety
- Section 8: Ship Organization
- Section 9: Scientific Berthing Plan
- Specifications
- Schematic Drawings
- Berthing Plan
- Scientific Equipment
- Major Shipboard Equipment
- R/V Robert Gordon Sproul
- R/V Bob and Betty Beyster
- Emeritus: R/V Melville
- Emeritus: R/V New Horizon
- Research Platform FLIP (FLoating Instrument Platform)
Marine Operations Committee
- Preventing harassment and discrimination
- Alcohol and illegal drugs: Zero tolerance
- Departure & arrival times
- Pregnancy and Lactation at Sea
- Accommodating Disabilities
- Minimum Age At Sea
- Isotope Use on Scripps Ships
- Geophysical survey requirements in California waters
- Export controls and compliance
- Scientific shipments to Scripps vessels
- Ship to Shore Communications
- Internet use policy
- Winch and Wire Regulations
- Ship Usage Rates
- Data and Sample Distribution Policy
- Stable Isotopes on SIO Ships
- Carryforward of Ship Time
- Using non-UNOLS vessels
- Transportation Worker's Identification Credential (TWIC)
- Naval Clearances
- Notice to mariners
- Volunteering Aboard Scripps Ships
- USCG Rules for Buoys